Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Buy Local Month

10% Of All “Locally Grown” tee sales in the month of June
will be donated to the Monadnock Localvores Project

What does “buy local” mean and what are the benefits?

Locally-owned businesses and conscious consumers are working to create an alternative
to corporate globalization by building sustainable local economies. Communities produce
and exchange locally as many products as possible. This supports family owned
businesses and farms, fair wages, and stewardship of the natural environment. The “buy
local” movement redevelops relationships between the food producers and the food

What can you do to help?

Learn about the Monadnock Localvores project:

Support your local farmers markets: www.farmersmarket.com

Find the locavores in your area: www.locavores.com

Read about the Monadnock Buy Local project:

Learn about the 20,000+ entrepreneurs who are building the new economy: www.livingeconomies.org

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Easy Recycling For The Whole Family!

In our fast paced world, it is easy to ignore that every day we are adding to our mounting waste. For many, the fact that the landfill is nowhere near us, it’s easy not to think about how full it is getting. Teaching your family to recycle helps to combat this problem, even if you don’t realize how bad it might be. Just because you don’t see the problem on a daily basis doesn’t mean it does not exist.

Many of the products we use are not environmentally friendly at all. A soda can left on the street or in a gutter will stay there indefinitely. It is not biodegradable so once it is created, it will forever be. Companies have long ago found ways to reuse these products so that they are not polluting our beautiful Earth. The problem happens when people don’t take the items to be recycled and instead just toss them about or throw them in the garbage to sit in the landfill forever and ever.

Recycling is a major contributor to the solution of global garbage. It works, but only if you participate. You can lead a horse to water and so forth. The responsibility belongs to all of us, as citizens of the world, but it begins with you and your family.

The number of items in the store made from recycled materials is growing. Our shelves could be filled with more of these things if everyone does their part to help. Most towns and cities provide recycling containers for residents to use. It could be a small bin or a large trash can.

If you don’t have such as service in your area, buy your own trash can or other supplies to gather your recyclables together. You can schedule a pickup or take them to the appropriate recycling plant for processing once a week or month; whatever time frame fits your schedule. The point is to do it! You can even make a little money collecting aluminum cans or returning glass soda bottles for deposits.

Begin with city sanitation. Whoever picks up your recycled products should have literature on how to package your recyclables. Cardboard is typically broken down and tied together. Old newspapers are tied together in bundles much like they are delivered to newsstands. Bottles are grouped together based on the number on the bottom or the label.

Have separate bins for your recyclables in the house.

Mark them clearly so no one gets confused.

If kids want to make money, let them collect cans from neighbors.

Get in the habit of breaking down boxes after you use them. This includes cereal boxes, tooth paste boxes, gift boxes, and the like, not just heavy duty cardboard. All of these paper products can be used for recycling.

Envelopes and old bills can be recycled, too. To protect your information, shred them first and then bag the shreds for recycling pickup. Most of us just toss out these envelopes in the regular trash but they can be put to better use.

Recycling saves on pollution and landfill space. If we can continue to reuse some items, why not do it? I personally can’t think of a reason not to. Can you?

(Reposted from http://www.pureinfusion.com/)

Monday, May 3, 2010

May is Help The Honey Bees Month!

10% Of All “Bee Kind Tee” sales in the month of May will be donated to the Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees.

Bee Kind Organic Cotton Tee

Bee Kind - Organic Cotton Tee - $28

The Honey Bee Crisis:
Over the last three years more than one in three honey bee colonies has died nationwide, posing a serious risk to our natural food supply. One cause of these losses is an alarming phenomenon called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). Forces like habitat destruction, improper use of pesticides, invasive species and global warming are placing our pollinator world at risk.

Why Are Honey Bees Important?

One out of every three bites of food an average American eats is directly attributed to honey bee pollination. Honey bees are responsible for the pollination of more than 100 crops (fruits, vegetable, nuts and seeds) and $15 billion in US agricultural crops each year.

What Can You Do To Help?
Create a pollinator friendly habitat in your yard- www.pollinator.org

Consider beekeeping as a worthwhile hobby- www.gobeekeeping.com or www.beeculture.com

Educate yourself on the dangers and risks of using homeowner pesticides and chemicals- www.nationalhoneybeeday.com

Join the American Beekeeping Federation at www.abfnet.org

Purchase locally produced honey and other beehive products- www.honeylocator.com

Join an online honeybee community with beekeeping forums and resources- www.beesource.com

Be Active all year AND on National Honey Bee Awareness Day: August 21st - www.nationalhoneybeeday.com

Subscribe to the American Bee Journal (magazine version and digital version) www.amercianbeejournal.com

Monday, April 19, 2010

Environmental Tips by the EPA

Tips about saving energy For example, reduce your carbon footprint! Use public transportation, carpool, walk, or bike whenever possible to avoid using your car.

Tips about using water efficiently For example, buy water-efficient fixtures and products. The WaterSense label helps shoppers identify water efficient products and programs.

Tips to Reduce / Reuse / Recycle For example, allow grass clippings to stay on the lawn, instead of bagging them. The cut grass will decompose and return to the soil naturally.

Tips for making environmentally protective choices For example, during hot weather, don't top off your gas tank. Even a small gas spill adds to air pollution and wastes fuel.

(Information from www.epa.gov)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April is Help Earth Conservation Month!

10% Of All “Organic Globe Tee” sales in the month of April will be donated to a CSA Scholarship for Tracie’s Community Farm of Fitzwilliam, NH

Organic Globe Organic Cotton Tee

Help Us Do Good In The World One Tee At A Time! Buy This Organic Cotton Tee Today!

Available in Men's & Women's Short Sleeve Tees

What does “organic” mean?
“Simply stated, organic produce and other ingredients (i.e. cotton) are grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation. Animals that produce meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products do not take antibiotics or growth hormones.”(www.organic.com)

Tracie's Community Farm

What Can You Do To Help?

Calculate your ecological footprint: www.earthday.net

Participate in earth day events (April 22nd) and actions or create your own
earth day event www.earthday.net

Learn more about why organic at www.organicconsumers.org

Support your local organic farmers; find a farmer, CSA or farmers market
near you: www.localharvest.org

Link individuals to green and Fair Trade businesses working to grow
a green economy: www.greenamericantoday.org

Monday, March 8, 2010

5 Creative Uses for Soda Bottles

By Kiera Butler

At this point soda really shouldn't even be appetizing. As we all know, it's full of empty calories from high-fructose corn syrup, rots your teeth, causes childhood obesity, blah blah blah. So why do I still find myself circling back to the nutritional wasteland that is Safeway's soda aisle? I'll tell you why: cherry coke. It's been a favorite treat since I was a teenager, and despite my best intentions, I don't think I'm going to give it up any time soon. I figure since I can't do anything about how bad soda is for me, I'll at least try to make it a little better for the planet. Our friends at AltUse have a bunch of good ideas for reusing empty plastic soda bottles:

1. Keep your yarn tangle-free: With a box cutter, carefully cut a large door in the side of the bottle. Insert your yarn into the bottle through the door. (You can tape it shut if you wish.) Reach into the spout, grab the end of the yarn, and pull it through. You can put the top back on the bottle when you want to store your yarn.

2. Make a funnel: Create a make-shift funnel by cutting the top off of a plastic bottle.

3. Water your plants automatically while you're away: Make a small pin hole on the bottom side of the bottle. Fill it up with water. Leave the water bottle inside a plant pot, hole side down. Water will slowly leak out. Lasts for about three days.

4. Keep your picnic cold: Make ice cubes that don't drip: Fill empty plastic water bottles and then put 'em in the freezer. Be sure to leave some room for the water to expand as it freezes.

5. Trap wasps. Cut the top off a bottle. Put something sweet into the bottom, then insert the cut-off portion back into the bottle, but upside down. Tape it in place. Wasps come in, but they can't get out.

(borrowed from motherjones.com)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March Is Health & Wellness Month

10% Of All “Stillness Yoga Tee” sales in the month of March will be donated to the Laughing Spirit Yoga Scholarship Fund

Organic Cotton Stillness Yoga Tee

What is Laughing Spirit Yoga?

Laughing Spirit Yoga of Keene, NH has a mission to promote health and wellness through yoga. The Laughing Spirit Yoga Scholarship Fund was created to provide an opportunity for yoga students with limited means.

Why is Yoga important for health & wellness?

Yoga helps people develop a deeper connection to their bodies while simultaneously creating wellness, health, and peace in the community. Those who practice yoga have more energy, stronger muscles, decreased stress and increased flexibility. Yoga practice also builds bone density and increases circulation.

What Can You Do To Promote Health & Wellness?

-Be active & breathe
-Support your local Yoga & Wellness Studio
-Participate in Yoga Day USA (www.yogadayusa.org)
-The Global Mala Project (www.globalmala.org)
-Organize & Participate in Yoga-By-Donation events