Monday, May 3, 2010

May is Help The Honey Bees Month!

10% Of All “Bee Kind Tee” sales in the month of May will be donated to the Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees.

Bee Kind Organic Cotton Tee

Bee Kind - Organic Cotton Tee - $28

The Honey Bee Crisis:
Over the last three years more than one in three honey bee colonies has died nationwide, posing a serious risk to our natural food supply. One cause of these losses is an alarming phenomenon called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). Forces like habitat destruction, improper use of pesticides, invasive species and global warming are placing our pollinator world at risk.

Why Are Honey Bees Important?

One out of every three bites of food an average American eats is directly attributed to honey bee pollination. Honey bees are responsible for the pollination of more than 100 crops (fruits, vegetable, nuts and seeds) and $15 billion in US agricultural crops each year.

What Can You Do To Help?
Create a pollinator friendly habitat in your yard-

Consider beekeeping as a worthwhile hobby- or

Educate yourself on the dangers and risks of using homeowner pesticides and chemicals-

Join the American Beekeeping Federation at

Purchase locally produced honey and other beehive products-

Join an online honeybee community with beekeeping forums and resources-

Be Active all year AND on National Honey Bee Awareness Day: August 21st -

Subscribe to the American Bee Journal (magazine version and digital version)

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