Tuesday, February 2, 2010

10 Ways To A Greener Community

Check out these ten easy ways to be part of a greener community!

1. Set a goal – turn that goal into a vision for the future that your community wants to achieve. Start at home first and set and example.

2. Recycle – You do it at home, so why shouldn’t it be just as easy when you’re out and about? Truly green communities help make it easier to recycle in public places such as parks, schools, and businesses. Ask your township, school board, and managers of other public areas to provide recycle bins for glass, plastic, aluminum, and paper next to existing trash receptacles.

3. Pass it on – You just finished a great book that you bought last week. Now what? Create a neighborhood exchange group and swap clothes, books, and toys with others…what’s better than getting a new outfit or toy for your child and helping to save the environment at the same time?!

4. Landscape Green – A single tree will absorb one ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime. By planting native trees, hearty bushes, and perennial flowers in your community, you not only provide great benefits for the environment, but give a natural habitat for wildlife and help beautify public spaces.

5. Park the car – One pound of carbon dioxide is produced with every mile driven, try walking, car pooling, or riding your bike one day a week!

6. Be a role model – Speak at your child’s school, and help teach kids at a young age how to become responsible stewards of the earth.

7. Pick up the trash – Did you know that Styrofoam can’t be recycled and is dangerous to animals if they eat it? So why let it litter our communities? Organize a “get out and clean” day. Any day can be Earth Day…it will bring together people of all ages and help make your neighborhood cleaner and safer for all its inhabitants.

8. Knock the lights out (well, not literally) – Change all your light bulbs to long lasting energy efficient ones, and turn them off when you leave the room.

9. Get the word out – Use reusable bags everywhere you go not just the grocery store. You will be surprised the positive effect it will have.

10. Give a gift – Donate a Green-kit to non-profit organizations like a local homeless shelter or community center (and you may be able to take a tax deduction while helping others create a green environment).

(Borrowed from our friends at Discover Earth)

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Great tips. And thanks for the coupon, just bought a new Zehn's Natural Namaste t-shirt. Can't wait to get it.